Specially designed to maintain a keen edge on secateurs, this traditional sharpening whetstone is also great for shears, topiary clippers and other blades.
The stone is a coarse grade (#220 grit) the most useful for rough blades, so this is the one to use if your blades are looking a bit chipped (you can finesse them after with a finer grade stone). It has a concave edge that follows the curve of secateurs blades perfectly and is small enough to easily manoeuvre in tight spots.
You won’t need to sharpen new tools for a while, but over time you’ll notice them losing their edge. To keep them at their best, sharpen secateurs every couple of weeks, and shears and topiary clippers every time you use them - you’ll really feel the difference.
Soak the stone in water for a few minutes before use, and keep it wet while you work. After sharpening, clean and dry the blades and apply a protective coat of camellia oil.
Sharpening secateurs:
Using the concave edge of the stone, work along from the pivot towards the tip of the blade, following the curve as you go, then repeat working back from the tip to the pivot. Turn the secateurs over and use the flat side of the stone to smooth the burr off the inside of the blade. To finish, clean off the curved edge of the bypass using the convex edge of the stone.
Sharpening straight bladed shears:
Using the flat side of the stone, gently work back and forth along the whole length of the blades. Don’t use too much pressure, and try to use as much of the stone as possible, not just the top inch or so.
Please note: the stone is liable to chip/break if dropped, so use a firm grip!
L13cm x W2cm x H2.3cm
Weight 136g