Best for pots tulip collection

tulip collection

2 + 1 FREE collections | 60 bulbs £99.99
Delivery options
  • Bulbs (only) £4.95
  • Position: full sun
  • Soil: moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil, or general-purpose compost for containers
  • Rate of growth: average
  • Flowering period: April to May
  • Hardiness: fully hardy

A star performance is guaranteed with this combination of sumptuous maroon and orange flushed pink tulips - a perfect partnership for patio pots and borders.

In this combination you will receive the following:

  • 10 × Tulipa 'Ronaldo': Rich, deep maroon-purple petals with lovely coloured veining make this a spectacular tulip for spring bedding displays. The petals have a rounded shape with pointed tips and have a smoky sheen and silky texture. Grows to 40cm.

  • 10 × Tulipa 'Jimmy': With its fiery orange blooms flushed with rich pink hues, 'Jimmy' is a spring wonder that adds vibrant energy to any flower bed. Against the backdrop of its bluish-toned foliage, these triumph tulips are perfect for bedding schemes, effortlessly mixing with shades of yellow and lime green to create a dynamic and eye-catching arrangement. Plant plenty of this reliable and weather resilient Triumph tulip to ensure you have extras for the vase, allowing you to bring the beauty of spring indoors as well. Grows to 45cm.

  • Garden care:
    Plant bulbs in pots from September. For borders, we advise waiting until after the first frosts (November to December) to reduce the risk of potential disease such as Tulip Fire. Plant bulbs 15-20cm (6-8in) deep and 10-15cm (4-6in) apart in fertile, well-drained soil. Alternatively, allow 7-9 bulbs per 30cm sq or 60-75 bulbs per m². After flowering dead-head and apply a balanced liquid fertiliser each week for the first month. Once the foliage has died down naturally, lift the bulbs and store in a cool greenhouse.
    • Humans: Harmful if eaten; skin allergen; Pets: Ornamental bulbs - not to be eaten