RHS Collections

Epiphyllum anguliger - fishbone cactus & pot cover combination

  • Position: bright but indirect light
  • Soil: specialist cacti compost
  • Rate of growth: slow
  • Hardiness: tender (indoors only)
  • Current height: approximately 15cm (including pot)
  • Pot cover: includes a 14cm pot cover

    We all wanted to keep this succulent when we first saw it, because it's so unique and interesting to look at. It forms long fishbone-like leaves, which initially are upright, but as the plant matures and the leaves become longer, they become more pendent and hang over the edges of the pot. A structural gem that's valued for its foliage, however it may also produce a few white flowers if the conditions are good.

  • Home care: Place it in a bright spot and in spring and summer, water when the compost gets dry, but make sure it never sits in excess water for any length of time. In autumn and winter cut back on the watering but do not let it dry out completely. Avoid a humid atmosphere (no bathrooms or steamy kitchens) and in the warmer months, open a window or door occasionally so it can enjoy the fresh air. Repot every year or two into a slightly larger pot using cacti compost.
Epiphyllum anguliger - fishbone cactus & pot cover combination
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