An evergreen eryngium, which forms a clump of bluish-green, strap-shaped leaves that have a serrated and spiny edge. In midsummer and autumn, upright, branching flowerspikes emerge bearing rounded or oval shaped flower clusters, which turn shades of greyish-blue, cream or green as they open. A variable plant, which originates from the Eastern States of the US, it is tolerant of poor soil and drought once established.
How to care for Eryngium yuccifolium:
Lift and divide large colonies in spring. Avoid the temptation to cut back the flowerheads in autumn as they provide interest in the winter garden.
Flowering period:
- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- May
- Jun
- Jul
- Aug
- Sep
- Oct
- Nov
- Dec
Eventual height:
Eventual spread:
Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil