• Eventual height: 1m
  • Eventual spread: 1m

Kalmia latifolia 'Minuet'

mountain laurel

5 year guarantee RHS award of garden merit
3 litre pot £39.99 £27.99
£39.99 £27.99
Delivery options
  • Standard £5.95
  • Named Day £10.95
  • Position: partial shade
  • Soil: reliably moist, humus-rich, acid soil (or ericaceous compost for container-grown specimens)
  • Rate of growth: average
  • Flowering period: April to May
  • Hardiness: fully hardy

    In late spring and early summer, this compact mountain laurel looks incredible when fully laden with its bicoloured blooms, which virtually smother the rich green leaves. A great little evergreen, it will help illuminate a partially shaded spot, and even when not in flower, the lustrous foliage will remain to add form and colour.

  • Garden care: Remove the faded blooms regularly to prolong flowering. Requires minimal pruning - cut back specimens that have outgrown their allotted space gradually over two or three years in spring. Apply a generous mulch of well-rotted leaf mould or composted pine needles around the base of the plant each spring.
  • Humans/Pets: Harmful if eaten
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