
Acer campestre - Field maple hedging

field maple hedging

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This fast growing native makes a wonderful dense, deciduous hedge and is quite tolerant of coastal conditions and cold, exposed sites. In spring the emerging deeply lobed foliage is flushed with red, but it gradually turns a lush, mid green and stays that colour throughout summer. It then takes on buttery yellow tones as the temperatures start to drop again in autumn. Small greenish-yellow flowers appear in spring, which are hardly noticeable, but the subsequent, winged fruits are quite attractive. Plant at 45cm intervals.

Our bare root hedging range is a very low cost way of planting a hedge, but they're only available to buy and plant when dormant (November- early April). These plants, with known seed provenance, are grown in rich Herefordshire soil to give them the best possible start in life so they are raring to go by the time they reach you.

Our plants are 1 year old (1+0) which means they have been grown for 1 year in the seed bed. The plants are lifted and graded at between 60-80cm tall, which is a good size to plant hedges at to get good establishment.

To find out more about how to plant a hedge, click here

How to care for Acer campestre:

Plant immediately upon receipt for best results into a well cultivated area. Cut back in winter when the plants are fully dormant as Acers tend to 'bleed' sap if cut while they are actively growing.
Eventual height:
Eventual spread:

Full sun / light shade

Rate of growth:



Humus-rich, moist, well-drained acid soil or ericaceous compost


Fully hardy

  • InformationThis shrub is deciduous so it will lose all its leaves in autumn, then fresh new foliage appears again each spring.

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25 × bare root plants | 60 - 80cm tall
was £69.99 now £48.99
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