A versatile, mid-season, heavy-cropping, dual-purpose apple with a light, sweet, juicy flavour. With a mostly green skin, ‘Bountiful’ develops a red blush when ripe for picking. Being naturally compact in form, it makes an excellent candidate for cordons, espaliers or training on walls. Pairs well with ‘Egremont Russet’ or ‘Adam’s Pearmain’ which share pollination group 2.
How to care for apple Bountiful:
Keep the base of the tree weed free, fertilise at the beginning of each year and water regularly during hot, dry spells. The main prune should be done in the winter as long as it isn't frosty or freezing. Take out the 3D’s (dead, dying and diseased wood) and create an open shape. Then reduce the leaders back by a third. Aim to create an airy structure without any crisscrossing branches. Summer prune in August by shortening any side shoots (or laterals) which are longer than 20cm back to three leaves. This will allow the sun to ripen the fruit and encourage more fruit buds. Make sure that the growth you’re cutting away feels firm to the touch.
Flowering period:
- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- May
- Jun
- Jul
- Aug
- Sep
- Oct
- Nov
- Dec
Eventual height:
Eventual spread:
Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil
This plant is deciduous so it will lose all its leaves in autumn, then fresh new foliage appears again each spring.