
Award-winning raspberry collection

raspberry Collection

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Easy but rewarding plants to grow, the delicious fruits will be ready to pick from midsummer to early autumn and can be eaten immediately, or frozen and kept for a later date. They can be picked during dry periods when they are still firm but the colour has developed fully. Each plant can be expected to produce a high yield and remain productive for around 10-12 years.

How to care for Award-winning raspberry collection:

Find a sunny spot and prepare a bed by clearing it of weeds and digging in lots of composted manure. The canes will need to be tied onto a sturdy support, so if you have the space, hammer in two robust tree stakes about 3m apart and string two or three heavy-gauge wires between them. Autumn fruiting raspberries tend to be shorter and bushier, so may not need as much height as the summer-fruiting types. In smaller gardens you can grow them against a fence or up a single tree stake. Dig a wide, shallow trench, sprinkle with bonemeal and plant the canes at 45cm intervals, (subsequent rows should be 1.8m apart), carefully spreading out the roots and back-filling with soil. You should be able to see the old soil mark on the stems, so aim to replant the same depth. After planting cut the canes back to around 15cm from their base and apply a generous layer of mulch in spring. As the new canes emerge, they can be tied onto their support as they grow. Feed during the growing season with a general purpose fertiliser and water regularly during the summer. You may need to protect the ripening fruit from being eaten by birds. All raspberries should be pruned annually, but the method will vary depending on when they produce their crop.

For summer-fruiting types: Discourage the plants from producing fruit in their first year by picking off the flowers when they appear. In subsequent years, cut the canes which have cropped, right back to their bases in autumn. Then select the strongest of the new canes and tie these in to the support - the rest of the canes can be cut right back to their bases too. In late winter the remaining canes may need a light prune to remove any frost-damaged tips.

For autumn-fruiting types: After they have been growing for one year, all the canes should be cut back to just above ground level in late winter. These raspberries will often produce fruit in their first year. For primocane types: (i.e. producing two, smaller crops each year), cut back the new spring stems, which have produced fruit at their tips in autumn, to a point just below where the raspberries were produced, soon after they have finished cropping. These half-canes can then be left to overwinter, will put on new top growth in spring and will then go on to produce the first crop of berries in early summer. After these two year old canes have finished fruiting they should be cut right back to their base. In the meantime, new canes will have emerged from the base of the plant in spring and these should be tied onto their support as they grow. These new canes will then produce the second, later crop and should have their tops lopped off after fruiting. This then creates a repeating cycle.

What's included:

In this collection you will receive five canes of each of the following varieties.

  • raspberry 'Polka': A primocane raspberry, which has the potential to crop twice a year, as it can produce fruit on both the current and previous years canes. Renowned for the exceptional quality and consistency of its fruit, they are large, have a fresh flavour and an outstanding shelf life. The plants also show a good resistance to disease. Grows to 1.8m.

  • raspberry 'Autumn Bliss': This autumn-fruiting raspberry produces heavy crops of large, delicious berries from August until the winter frosts. An excellent choice for a sheltered sunny spot with well-prepared, moderately fertile, well-drained soil, the fruit are borne on the upper part of the current season's canes. Large, delicious raspberries from August until the first frosts; the canes require little support. Grows to 2m.

  • raspberry 'Tulameen': A versatile and robust autumn-fruiting raspberry, which will flourish in a wide range of conditions. It produces a high yield of very large, dark pink fruits, that have a distinctive conical shape and a sweet flavour. The fruits of this mid to late season cultivar are produced on vigorous canes, which have long laterals, making them very easy to pick. Grows to 2m.
  • Flowering period:
    • Jan
    • Feb
    • Mar
    • Apr
    • May
    • Jun
    • Jul
    • Aug
    • Sep
    • Oct
    • Nov
    • Dec

    Full sun

    Rate of growth:



    Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil


    Fully hardy

    • InformationThis plant is deciduous so it will lose all its leaves in autumn, then fresh new foliage appears again each spring.

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