In this collection you will receive three of each of the following plants. They are all supplied in 9cm nursery pots.
Iris 'Caesar's Brother': Intense violet flowers with speckled and striped markings on the throats appear in June and July among bright green, strappy leaves. Like all Siberian flag irises, this is a clump-forming plant that needs space to spread out and prefers a moist, neutral to slightly acid soil in sun or partial shade. It looks best planted in bold drifts beside water and allowed to naturalise - and it's particularly useful on difficult banks where it will form large clumps over time, helping to prevent soil erosion. It can also be planted in a pot as marginal plant for a pond. Grows to 1m.
Briza media: A mat-forming evergreen grass with purplish-tinted, green leaves. In summer locket-shaped, green-purple flowers, which fade to buff, hang from wiry branches. Lovely in wildflower meadows, their flowers are excellent for drying. Grows to 90cm.
Trollius x cultorum 'Alabaster': Pale primrose-yellow, buttercup-like flowers are borne in mid- to late spring above deeply divided mid-green leaves. Less vigorous than most cultivars, it will thrive in full sun or partial shade if the roots do not dry out. Perfect for a moist border or the margins of a pond or stream. Grows to 60cm.