In each collection you will receive 5 runners each of the following:
'Elsanta': An excellent strawberry that produces masses of glossy, highly aromatic fruit that have a good shelf life. Great for the home grower as the strawberries have a delicious taste and it can grow on most soils. The orange-red fruit are produced from mid-June to mid-July. Grows to 30cm.
'Hapil': A renowned early to mid-season variety, boasting large, vibrant, and glossy red berries bursting with exceptional flavour, making them a go-to favourite among home growers. This award-winning cultivar is lauded for its vigorous growth and heavy crop yield, sporting conical-shaped fruits which are particularly well-suited for light or drier soil conditions. Grows to 50cm.
'Honeoye': The proven standard early strawberry variety, fruiting 4 - 6 days earlier than 'Elsanta'. Bright, shiny, good quality fruits are produced in abundance from mid-June to mid-July - and because it's often grown on 'Pick Your Own' farms, you can tell it's a good cropper with a high percentage large fruit. Grows to 15cm.
'Cambridge Favourite': This is one of the most well-known and loved strawberry varieties available. It is a reliable cropper, has good all-round disease resistance and performs well on a wide range of soils and growing conditions. It produces medium-sized, orange-red fruit from mid-June, which hold their shape and flavour very well. Grows to 30cm.
'Symphony (PBR)': Bred by the Scottish Crop Research Institute, this variety will produce supermarket quality fruits that keep well. They have a uniform shape, well coloured flesh and a very tasty flavour. The plants are strong growing and have a good resistance to mildew. Grows to 30cm.