Bursting into vibrant life when autumn gardens begin to fade, this charismatic late-season performer creates a spectacular display with its abundantly produced, bronze-flushed pink blooms.
Chrysanthemum 'Dr Tom Parr' bears semi-pompon flowers, each reaching 3cm (1.5in) across, glowing with subtle orange undertones that perfectly complement its aromatic, deeply-divided foliage. The dark grey-green leaves, which often develop rich red autumn tints, provide an elegant backdrop for the long-lasting floral display that continues well into the cooling days of fall.
This robust, clump-forming perennial proves invaluable in mixed borders and cutting gardens, where its woody base supports multiple stems of blooms that arrive just as other perennials retreat for winter.
Easy to grow and exceptionally rewarding, this hardy variety delivers outstanding value with its reliable performance and its ability to inject fresh colour into the garden when it's needed most.