Elegant, golden-yellow catkins appear in late winter and early spring and are closely followed by mid-green, heart-shaped leaves. A native of European woodland, it has long been a staple ingredient in our hedgrows. Edible nuts that are rich in vitamins, protein and unsaturated fats, ripen from late summer on this deciduous, semi-formal hedge.
Our bare root hedging range is a very low cost way of planting a hedge. These plants are only available to buy and plant when dormant (November- early April). These plants, with known seed provenance, are grown in rich Herefordshire soil to give them the best possible start in life so they are raring to go by the time they reach you.
Our plants are 2 years old (1+1) which means they have been grown for 1 year in the seed bed then lifted and grown on for another 1 year in a larger field. Lifting the plant after its 1st year encourages a healthy fibrous root system. The plants are lifted and graded at between 60-80cm tall, which is a good size to plant hedges at to get good establishment.
To find out more about how to plant a hedge,
click here