• Eventual height: 0.6m
  • Eventual spread: 1.2m

courgette 'El Greco' F1

courgette or Cucurbita pepo 'El Greco'

8.5cm pot £6.99
£20.97 £13.98
£20.97 £13.98
Delivery options
  • Standard £5.95
  • Position: full sun
  • Soil: humus-rich, moisture retentive soil
  • Rate of growth: average
  • Hardiness: tender (will need frost protection)

    A highly productive, early cropping courgette with a delicate taste and attractive mid-green fruit. It’s such a versatile fruit and delicious in a stir fry - carve off courgette ‘slivers’ with a potato peeler and cook for a few minutes with garlic, spring onions and peppers tossed in sesame seed oil for a wonderful summer side dish!

  • Garden care: Grow on under glass until all risk of frost has passed. Then, plant them out in a well-prepared bed, spacing them at 60cm intervals, and keep them well watered - particularly once the fruiting commences. The courgettes are ready to harvest when they are 7-10cm long, and if you keep picking them it will encourage more to form. Therefore, it is possible to harvest them continuously from July until the first frosts.
  • Humans/Pets: If crop is bitter, don't eat or feed to pets
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