
cucumber 'Crystal Lemon'

cucumber or Cucumis sativus 'Crystal Lemon'

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The perfect cucumber for popping in the kids' lunchboxes for a healthy snack, this vigorous climber is smothered in small, round fruits like yellow tennis balls for months in late summer. It's an easy-going plant, as happy outside as under cover, and as well as being very pretty, the flavour is excellent – sweet, mild, and very juicy.

How to care for cucumber Crystal Lemon:

Once all threat of frost has passed, harden off carefully and plant into the final growing site allowing 60cm between plants. Protect young plants against slugs. Grow up supports such as hazel wigwams or trellis to show off the fruit and keep plants off the ground.

Sowing instructions:

Sow three or four seeds into a 9cm pot of seed compost in late spring and keep warm in a propagator or on a sunny windowsill. Once seedlings have produced three true leaves, pot on individually.
Eventual height:
Eventual spread:

Full sun


Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil

  • InformationPets: TOXIC if eaten

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