
Dry shade plant combination

Dry shade plant combination

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The dry shade beneath a tree, under the eaves of the house or against a wall, is often one of the hardest areas to fill as little seems to want to grow there. These plants however, if kept well watered until they are established, will do the job nicely.

Planting tips:

Prepare the bed well by digging in lots of composted organic matter before you plant. For best results it is essential that the plants are kept well watered for the first year, particularly during warmer weather.

What's included:

In this collection you will receive one of each of the following plants. They are all supplied in 9cm nursery pots.

  • Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae: A compact, shade-loving, spreading euphorbia that has long-lasting, lime-green flowers in late spring above rosettes of glossy, dark green leaves. It's a valuable plant for difficult areas of dry shade, particularly under trees, and it also looks at home in a woodland setting. As it is evergreen and suckering it also makes attractive groundcover. Left unchecked it can become invasive, romping through areas of a small garden. Grows to 70cm.

  • Geranium phaeum 'Samobor': A useful geranium that will thrive even in damp or dry shade. It has small, purple-black flowers in late spring to early summer, which are held high above the soft-green, deeply lobed leaves, each with a distinctive purple blotch. It quickly spreads to form a hummock of weed-suppressing foliage, and can be used in a woodland setting among ferns. Grows to 80cm.

  • Bergenia 'Abendglut': Commonly known as elephant's ears, because of their large, leathery, oval leaves, bergenias have become fashionable again, thanks both to the number of new cultivars that have become widely available and to their usefulness in the garden. Bergenias are low maintenance, evergreen, will grow in sun or shade and tolerate a wide range of soils, including dry soils and clay. Grows to 30cm.

  • Vinca minor 'Bowles Variety': Larger than average, salverform flowers form in the leaf axils of the slender stems. Their lavender-blue colouring mixes well with most shades of pink, purple and blue, while the plant's prostrate habit will add structural diversity to ferns and hostas. Grows to 20cm.
Flowering period:
  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

Light shade

Rate of growth:



Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil


Fully hardy

  • InformationSome of the plants in this collection will die right back in autumn, then fresh new growth will appear again in spring.

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