
Golden prairie plant combination

Golden prairie plant combination

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Gold tones always work well with ornamental grasses, while the sanguisorba picks up the coppery tones of the carex perfectly. While the carex retains its foliage throughout the year, the crocosmia and rudbeckia will add warming colour in summer and autum.

Planting tips:

Prepare the bed well by digging in lots of composted organic matter before you plant. For best results it is essential that the plants are kept well watered for the first year, particularly during warmer weather.

What's included:

In this collection you will receive one of each of the following plants. The Rudbeckia, Sanguisorba and Crocosmia will each be supplied in 9cm nursery pots, while the Carex will come in a 2 litre pot:

  • Rudbeckia fulgida 'Early Bird Gold': A breakthrough in breeding has resulted in this wonderful plant, which will start to flower up to 2 months earlier than its parent R. Goldsturm. Discovered by a grower in Plaquemine, Louisiana, it made its debut throughout Europe in 2011, when we managed to secure some of the first plants to reach our shores. The most intriguing thing about this variant is that it is not dependent on the length of the day to induce flowering. Therefore it is possible for it to start flowering in early summer and not finish until mid- to late autumn - an impressive feat I'm sure you will agree! Grows to 60cm.

  • Sanguisorba 'Tanna': Small, plum-coloured, button-like flowers top wiry, upright stems, and seem to hover above the neat mounds of blue-green, pinnate foliage. This cultivar is more tolerant of drier conditions, so is particularly well-suited to mixed or herbaceous borders. Grows to 50cm.

  • Crocosmia × crocosmiiflora 'George Davison': This bulbous perennial has sword-like, green leaves and arching spikes of rich amber-yellow, freesia-like flowers in July and August. These cheerful montbretia are perfect for a planting scheme based on 'hot' colours. For maximum impact plant in bold drifts in a sunny, sheltered site with moderately fertile, humus-rich, well-drained soil. Grows to 90cm.

  • Carex testacea: From spring to autumn the pale olive green leaves of this ornamental grass turn a warm coppery-orange. In midsummer it bears small, brown flower spikes. Although it will take some shade, it colours up best in full sun. Grow it among other grasses or perennials, as a specimen plant, or in a large pot. Grows to 1.5m.
  • Flowering period:
    • Jan
    • Feb
    • Mar
    • Apr
    • May
    • Jun
    • Jul
    • Aug
    • Sep
    • Oct
    • Nov
    • Dec

    Light shade

    Rate of growth:



    Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil


    Borderline hardy (will need protection in winter in colder areas)

    • InformationSome of the plants in this collection will die right back in autumn, then fresh new growth will appear again in spring.

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