In this collection you will receive three of each of the following plants. The
Heliopsis are supplied in 8cm nursery pots, while the
Miscanthus come in 9cm pots.
- Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra 'Summer Nights': Putting on a colourful display in the herbaceous border, these dependable and long-lived perennials produce an abundance of fully-double, green-centred, yellow flowers from midsummer to early autumn. The flowers are good for cutting too. Grows to 1.2m.
- Miscanthus sinensis 'Malepartus': A statuesque grass that will extend the season of interest in a mixed border, this has fine, arching leaves with a distinctive white stripe down the centre. Its flowers are spectacular; reddish brown, silky feathers that rise upwards from their stems and glow in the evening light. This grass is quick to establish and turns a beautiful reddish-brown in autumn. Use it as a feature plant in a mixed or perennial border. Grows to 2m.