From the Teller series, 'Teller White' is a popular lace-cap variety of hydrangea with magnificent heads of strong white flowers. This deciduous, upright shrub has dark green, tapering leaves that are the perfect backdrop for its bright snowy-white cupped blooms which remain in flower from early summer right through to autumn.
How to care for Hydrangea macrophylla Teller White:
Improve the soil prior to planting by adding plenty of well-rotted manure or garden compost, adding mycorrhizal fungi (Root grow) to aid establishment. Hydrangeas do not like to dry out so keep them well watered during hot, dry weather. If they do start to suffer, soak the roots with a hose and they will usually recover. Remove faded flowerheads in spring after the danger of frosts, cutting back the flowered stems to a strong pair of buds. Take out misplaced or diseased shoots. Mulch young plants with well-rotted manure or compost in spring. Once established, remove a quarter to a third of the shoots to the base of the plant.
Flowering period:
- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- May
- Jun
- Jul
- Aug
- Sep
- Oct
- Nov
- Dec
Eventual height:
Eventual spread:
Full sun / light shade
Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil
This shrub is deciduous so it will lose all its leaves in autumn, then fresh new foliage appears again each spring.
Humans: Skin allergen; Pets: Harmful if eaten