You may never need another lettuce variety again. As the name suggests, this is one you can sow and grow at any time of the year: as a general rule expect to pick your lettuces around 10 weeks after sowing. The butterhead-type heads are dense and crisp, with creamy-yellow hearts and an excellent flavour. A heritage variety introduced before 1870.
Growing instructions:
Early in the season sow into trays or modules in the greenhouse or on a windowsill. Thin seedlings to 5cm apart and harden off before planting out, allowing 30cm between plants. Later in the season sow direct where they are to grow in shallow drills. Protect from slugs and cover early and late sowings with a cloche. A late sowing made in August in a coldframe or in the greenhouse borders will grow on right through winter.
Eventual height:
Eventual spread:
Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil