In the early spring, our potted bare root plants can be lightly rooted so can be kept in their pots for a few weeks, or planted out, avoiding frosty or waterlogged conditions taking care not to damage the emerging roots. Plant into well-prepared soil enriched with plenty of organic matter, and like herbaceous peonies, make sure that the highest bud on the crown is no deeper than 5cm (2in) below the soil surface as this will reduce flowering. In growth, keep well fed and watered, and remove spent flowers after they have faded. In each subsequent spring, apply a balanced slow-release fertiliser around the base of the plant and lightly mulch with well-rotted compost or manure but not too deeply as this can smother the roots and reduce blooming. Older stems have a tendency to become brittle and snap so cut these back by a third or to the ground in autumn every two or three years. Tree peonies are deep-rooted, and do not make good plants for containers.