Prized for their big, glamorous blooms and glossy, deeply cut foliage, peonies are held in deep affection by many gardeners, despite their shortish flowering season and vulnerability to peony wilt in damp weather. It's easy to see why. From the promise of early spring, when their red, mottled shoots push through bare earth and the handsome foliage unfurls from spherical red buds, to early summer, when the huge flowers burst open, peonies exert a fascination that few can resist. 'Shirley Temple' is later flowering than many peonies with large, pale pink, double flowers, gently fading to buff-white, and mid green leaves. The centre of each beautiful, scented flower is full of small, loosely arranged ruffled petals. It will thrive in full sun or partial shade. Fill the bare ground around the peony before the leaves appear with spring bulbs to prolong the season of interest.
All of our peonies are field grown. We supply potted plants throughout the year, and subject to availability during the dormant winter months, we also offer bare-root plants (or tubers). If buying a potted plant, please keep in mind that some of the compost may still be a little loose, falling away when the plant is removed from the pot.
All of our peonies are field grown. We supply potted plants throughout the year, and subject to availability during the dormant winter months, we also offer bare-root plants (or tubers). If buying a potted plant, please keep in mind that some of the compost may still be a little loose, falling away when the plant is removed from the pot.
How to care for Paeonia lactiflora Shirley Temple:
Bare root plants should either be potted up or planted out as soon as possible while avoiding frosty or waterlogged conditions. Plant all peonies into well-prepared soil, making sure that the highest bud on the crown is no deeper than 5cm (2in) below the soil surface. In growth, keep well fed and watered, and remove spent flowers after they have faded. In each subsequent spring, apply a balanced slow-release fertiliser around the base of the plant and mulch with well-rotted compost or manure.
Flowering period:
- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- May
- Jun
- Jul
- Aug
- Sep
- Oct
- Nov
- Dec
Eventual height:
Eventual spread:
Full sun / light shade
Rate of growth:
Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil
Fully hardy
This perennial dies back to below ground level each year in autumn, then fresh new growth appears again in spring.
Pets: Skin irritant
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Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii
From £9.99
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2 litre pot | £19.99 |
9cm pot | £9.99 |
3 × 9cm pots | £24.99 |
6 × 9cm pots | £39.99 |
3 × 2 litre pots | £49.99 |
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Salvia × sylvestris 'Mainacht'
sage ( syn. Salvia May Night )
From £9.99
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2 litre pot | £17.99 |
9cm pot | £9.99 |
3 × 9cm pots | £19.99 |
6 × 9cm pots | £36.00 |
3 × 2 litre pots | £44.99 |
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