
Pseudosasa japonica

arrow bamboo

Product Image
Tall, vigorous bamboo with olive canes maturing to pale beige and dark green oblong leaves. Arrow bamboo is one of the most wind and shade-tolerant varieties. Broadly upright in habit, as long as the roots are surrounded with a non-perishable barrier it makes an attractive screen or windbreak for moist, well-drained areas of the garden.

This beautiful and vigorous plant propagates primarily through rhizomes and is considered a running bamboo. In small gardens, it is best restricted in suitably large containers, planted out in a partly sunken pot, or planted within a root barrier placed around the root mass to maintain an appropriate spread. Please see our bamboo control system here.

How to care for Pseudosasa japonica:

When planting, space plants 3.5m to 4m apart and water consistently, more-so during dry spells. Mulch to retain moisture and regulate temperature. Fertilise in early spring and mid-summer with a high-nitrogen fertiliser. Prune dead or weak canes in late winter or early spring, and thin crowded clumps to improve air circulation.
Eventual height:
Eventual spread:

Full sun / light shade

Rate of growth:



Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil


Fully hardy

  • InformationBamboos never look their best in winter because the cold, drying winds will often scorch their leaves. In late spring however, new canes will appear bearing a fresh batch of lush foliage.

Product options

Product options image
2 litre pot | 60 - 80cm tall
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