In this collection you will receive three of each of the following plants. They are all supplied in a 9cm nursery pot.
Stipa gigantea: Arching stems of glistening, golden, oat-like flowerheads above clumps of slender, grey-green leaves. This majestic evergreen grass is an excellent specimen plant for a sunny, mixed or new perennial border. Perfect for introducing movement. Grows to 2.5m.
Verbascum (Cotswold Group) 'Gainsborough': Statuesque spires of saucer-shaped, soft yellow flowers from May to August above rosettes of grey-green leaves. This delicate pale yellow verbascum is perfect for a sunny border or cottage garden. The pale yellow flowers and grey-green foliage look excellent next to the thistle-like blue flowerheads of Echinops ritro. Thrives in poor, well-drained soil. Grows to 1.2m.