In this collection you will receive one rooted cutting of each of the following varieties:
Streptocarpus 'Carys': A compact and very free flowering cultivar, with soft lavender blue upper lobes and deep purple veining over the lower lobes, held above lush, green, slightly textured foliage. Grows to 32cm.
Streptocarpus 'Falling Stars': Dainty sky blue flowers appear in profusion putting on a really showy display. Hailed as 'one of our best' by the breeder Dibleys, it's early flowering and easy to grow. Grows to 38cm.
Streptocarpus 'Targa': A stunning cultivar with rich, deep purple flowers and a velvet sheen on flat-faced flowers, held above a rosette of green, textured leaves. Grows to 30cm.
Streptocarpus 'Marion': This white and blue-flowering sport (of 'Katie') has an exceptionally long flowering season and a neat and tidy habit. Grows to 30cm.
Streptocarpus 'Caitlin': Hairy wrinkled leaves form a neat basal rosette, which is topped with an abundance of upright branching stems bearing two-tone pink flowers. Grows to 32cm.
Streptocarpus 'Sadie': Soft, bubble-gum pink flowers, sprinkled with sherbet lemon in the centre and wine-red veining emerging from the throat, this cheerful, free-flowering cultivar neatly finishes the collection. Grows to 25cm.