In this collection you will receive one rooted cutting of each of the following varieties:
Streptocarpus 'Matilda': Large, trumpet-shaped white blooms suffused with a deep magenta veining that radiates from the throat. Derived from the award-winning ‘Katie’, a rosette of velvety, green leaves creates a lush backdrop for its profusion of blooms. Grows to 30cm.
Streptocarpus 'Bethan': This beautiful cape primrose has both a lovely, neat habit and a very free-flowering nature. The flowers themselves are a soft purplish blue, with the lower lobes being veined with deeper purple. Grows to 30cm.
Streptocarpus 'Dibleys Patrica': With up to 8 blooms per inflorescence, this compact cultivar has beautifully rich plummy-purple flowers above a rosette of broad green leaves. Grows to 20cm Grows to 20cm.
Streptocarpus 'Katie': Up to eight boldly bicoloured, violet and purple flowers appear on each branching stem, rising up above the basal foliage. A strong-growing streptocarpus, 'Katie' will often flower over several months each year. Grows to 30cm.
Streptocarpus 'Ruby': A striking and compact cultivar prized for its rich, ruby-red flowers. The blooms are trumpet-shaped with velvety petals, held above a lush rosette of soft, green foliage. Grows to 40cm.
Streptocarpus 'Tina': A relatively compact and free-flowering streptocarpus, that will usually flower non-stop from March to November. The pretty, trumpet-shaped blooms are a gorgeous blend of pinks - from soft blush to rich magenta. Grows to 30cm.