In this collection you will receive three of each of the following plants. They are all supplied in a 9cm nursery pot.
Thalictrum aquilegiifolium: Fluffy mauve or white flower clusters appear in June and July, held on upright stems above grey-green, fern-like foliage. The dainty blooms of this early flowering meadow rue provide an excellent contrast with larger flowered plants. Perfect for a border in partial shade, the stems need supporting with brushwood or garden canes. Grows to 1m.
Astrantia major 'Claret': This is one of the darkest-flowered astrantias, with deep, ruby red pincushion-like flowers with a ruff of longer bracts than many other varieties. The leaves are pretty too; deeply lobed and dark green. Although it is an old cottage garden favourite, this astrantia works equally well in contemporary-style plantings. Grows to 90cm.