This weigela has quite unique colouring. The foliage is a rich, deep green, but takes on hints of plum as the summer progresses. These form a lush backdrop for the red-throated white trumpets that smother the stems in early summer. A low-growing, spreading form, it is great for livening up the front of the border and will also do well in pots.
How to care for Weigela Ebony and Ivory ('Velda') (PBR):
Once established prune each year in midsummer after flowering, removing one or two of the older stems to the base and cutting back the flowered stems to strong shoots below the spent flowers.
Flowering period:
- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- May
- Jun
- Jul
- Aug
- Sep
- Oct
- Nov
- Dec
Eventual height:
Eventual spread:
Full sun / light shade
Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil
This shrub is deciduous so it will lose all its leaves in autumn, then fresh new foliage appears again each spring.