Beautiful orange-green leaves appear each spring, gradually becoming greener throughout the summer. Then in the autumn, shades of orange and yellow start to creep in again, gradually becoming more intense until the leaves are shed. Never getting too big, 'Orange Dream' is a bushy, spreading maple that can be used as a specimen in smaller spaces, where its graceful, open habit can best be admired. Keep it well fed and watered and it will thrive in a large pot.
This combination includes both an acer and terracotta pot, ready for gifting or planting up at home. Choose your preferred pot - citrus, lemon or conical Italian - and we’ll send you one along with a 3 litre (roughly 40cm tall) tree.
Please be aware that the pot will be roomy so the plant can spread and grow into its new home. For detailed growing and care information,
see here.
Citrus pot: Ø50cm x H45cm
Lemon pot: Ø36cm x H41cm (with saucer)
Conical Italian pot: Ø43cm x H41.5cm