
Carbon Gold biochar biology blend - 4 litres

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Previously only available to professional growers, Carbon Gold Biochar Biology Blend is a potent compost rejuvenator to give plants a rich, vibrant growing medium.

Sprinkled into seed drills or around the roots of young plants when you plant them in their final spot, it provides an intense boost of all the trace minerals and natural biology your plants will need for the season.

It can also be used to give a boost to your houseplants or during repotting. Likewise, if you have some existing Biochar-based composts and are going to plant back into those pots, you can use Biology Blend to rejuvenate the compost before reuse.

Contains 4 litres. Always read instructions before use.

Key features:

  • Improves fertility, vitality and root growth
  • Organic and Soil Association approved
  • Natural ingredients and microbiology

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