• Eventual height: 0.4m
  • Eventual spread: 0.4m

marguerite 'Grandaisy Deep Red' (Grandaisy Series)

marguerite (syn. Argyranthemum)

Perfect for pollinators
5 × rooted cuttings £12.99
Delivery options
  • Standard £5.95
  • Position: full sun
  • Soil: moderately fertile, moist but well drained soil
  • Rate of growth: average to fast
  • Flowering period: April to September
  • Hardiness: tender (will need frost protection)

Often grown as a showstopping, seasonal summer display, marguerites (Argyranthemum) are frost-tender perennial plants producing an abundance of daisy-like flowers. ‘Grandaisy Deep Red’ is a stunning variety with rich pink-carmine blooms that form above bushy mounds of finely-divided, grey-green foliage. Particularly fine for pots, its versatility and drought resistance once established make it a perfect summer bedding plant for the border, too!

Please note that the pot in the photograph is not supplied with the plant (which is sent out in a simple nursery alternative), but we have a wide and wonderful range on our website to choose from.

  • Garden care:
    Pot up and grow on under glass until all risk of frost has passed and they can be planted outside in a well-prepared bed or patio pot. Pinch out the growing tips to encourage bushiness. While a perennial, marguerites are often grown as annuals.
    perennial, marguerites are often grown as annuals.
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