
Alocasia macrorrhiza

giant taro / elephants ears

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An outrageously exotic rhizomatous perennial. Enormous bright green leaves with a prominent midrib and ruffled edges, ‘Giant Taro’ originates from South East Asia and is planted widely in the tropics or warm temperate zones. You’ll need to work out what your overwintering strategy is (for the plant, not you!) but this frost tender beauty is well worth considering.

How to care for Alocasia macrorrhiza:

'Giant Taro' can be planted outside after frost, or started off in pots under glass in late winter to early spring. Plant the bulbs so that their growing tip is just above the soil surface (if there are no noticeable shoots or roots, the end with the concentric rings goes uppermost, while the end with the holes will produce the roots). Water sparingly initially and keep the compost warm. Provide adequate moisture during the growing season and lift the bulbs in autumn before the frosts (or if grown in pots, move them under warm glass) and keep the tubers dry and frost free throughout winter.

Dormancy is a natural process, triggered by a reduction in light, cooler temperatures, and drier air and soil mimicking the seasonal changes in the plant's natural environment. If the plant is beginning to enter a dormant period by shedding leaves or discolouring and dying back then reduce watering, light and maintain cooler conditions. The corm or bulb should only be watered lightly when the top inch of soil has become dry. The plant will regrow when warm, bright, moist conditions return.
Eventual height:
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Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil


Frost tender

  • InformationThis bulb dies back after flowering each year and enters a period of rest ahead of regrowth the following season.
  • InformationHumans/Pets: TOXIC if eaten; skin/eye irritant

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