Add some sunshine to your garden and create a pretty flowering display from February to May with this combination of cream and yellow bulbs. It is really easy to create stunning spring bulb displays that will give you flowers for many weeks by planting spring bulbs in layers in pots.
How to care for Bulbs for pots - Creams and yellows:
Place the pot in a sunny spot. During the winter months, you will need to water occasionally to prevent the compost from drying out completely, but watering should be increased while the bulbs are actively growing and for at least six weeks after they have finished flowering. As soon as the new growth appears, start to feed them with a high potash fertiliser such as Tomorite. This should be continued at 7 - 10 day intervals until the flowers have faded and the foliage has started to die back. Resist the urge to remove the faded foliage (or tie a knot in it) until it has turned yellow and dry. The tulips should be replaced each year, but the other bulbs can be lifted, stored and replanted the following autumn.
Planting tips:
Select a pot that has adequate drainage holes and prepare your compost. Bulbs growing in containers prefer a freely draining mix, so a 3:1 blend of John Innes No2 and grit is ideal. The aim is to plant each bulb at approximately three times their own depth, allowing one bulb width between each. When ready to start planting, fill the pot with a layer of compost and starting with the largest bulbs, place them on the top of this layer with their shoot facing upwards. Infill with compost, gently firming down around the bulbs until reaching the correct level for the next set of bulbs. Continue in this fashion until all the bulbs are planted and then top up the compost to within a few centimetres of the top of the pot. Once planted, water well.
What's included:
In each collection you will receive 10 bulbs each of the following:-
- Tulipa 'Golden Apeldoorn': Glorious, golden-yellow, cup-shaped flowers with a contrasting black centre and base in April and strap-like, grey-green leaves. These golden-yellow Darwin hybrid tulips look fantastic planted 'en masse' in a sunny, well-drained border. As well as providing a stunning mid-season display they make excellent and long-lasting cut flowers. Grows to 55cm tall.
- Narcissus 'Ice Follies': The broad, frilly edged cup of this pretty daffodil is initially a rich, buttery yellow, but as it ages it fades, turning almost as white as the ring of outer petals (perianth). Noted for its ability to produce a prolific display, it is certainly a worthy contender for a patch in the garden. Grows to 40cm tall.
- Narcissus 'Tete-A-Tete': Clusters of up three deep golden-yellow flowers with slightly reflexed petals and deep yellow cups appear in March and April above the narrow, strap-shaped leaves. One of the most popular forms, this delightful dwarf narcissus makes a fabulous early spring display for a sunny window-box. Grows to 20cm tall.
If you buy two collections, you will also receive the following: - 20 x Crocus × luteus 'Golden Yellow': As the name suggests, the colour of these flowers is a rich golden yellow. This is a strong-grower that is ideal for naturalising through lawns and meadows. Each bulb may produce up to 5 flowers, so you will usually get a very generous show too. Grows to 10cm tall.
Flowering period:
- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- May
- Jun
- Jul
- Aug
- Sep
- Oct
- Nov
- Dec
Full sun
Rate of growth:
Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil
Fully hardy
Harmful if eaten/may cause skin allergy
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Goes well with
Embossed galvanised metal planter - aged zinc
From £17.99
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small Ø23.5 × H25cm | £17.99 |
medium Ø30 × H26cm | £26.99 |
tub Ø47 × H25.5cm | £38.99 |
large Ø46.5 × H31cm | £52.99 |
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Bulb planting auger - long
From £7.99
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large | £15.99 |
medium | £11.99 |
small | £7.99 |
set of 3, save £6 | £29.97 |
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Bulb planting auger - short
From £6.99
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medium | £11.99 |
large | £14.99 |
small | £6.99 |
set of 3, save £5 | £28.97 |
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