
Bulbs for pots - Ice whites

bulb lasagne collection for pots

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Create a sophisticated and enduring arrangement with a collection of harmonious white-flowering tulips, hyacinths, muscari, anemone and crocus. Ideal for layering in spacious pots, this selection guarantees a continuous succession of scented, ivory, and off-white blooms.

How to care for Bulbs for pots - Ice whites:

Place the pot in a sunny spot. During the winter months, you will need to water occasionally to prevent the compost from drying out completely, but watering should be increased while the bulbs are actively growing and for at least six weeks after they have finished flowering. As soon as the new growth appears, start to feed them with a high potash fertiliser such as Tomorite. This should be continued at 7 - 10 day intervals until the flowers have faded and the foliage has started to die back. Resist the urge to remove the faded foliage (or tie a knot in it) until it has turned yellow and dry. The tulips should be replaced each year, but the other bulbs can be lifted, stored and replanted the following autumn.

Planting tips:

Add some bulb fibre to your pot and plant the tulip bulbs first, 15-20cm deep. Add more bulb fibre to cover them, then add a layer of hyacinths at around 12cm deep and fill in as before. Then a layer of Anemone blanda 'White Splendour' and Puschkinia scilloides var. libanotica and Muscari botryoides planted at 2.5-5cm deep.

What's included:

In each collection you will receive the following:

  • 15 x Muscari botryoides 'Album': A very pretty grape hyacinth, which produces slender white flowerspikes in spring. Less vigorous (or invasive) than its more commonly grown cousin (M. armeniacum), it provides an altogether 'finer' profile. It is perfect for pots, alpine beds, woodland floors or filling gaps at the front of sunny borders. Grows to 20cm.

  • 20 x Anemone blanda 'White Splendour': In spring, large white daisy-like flowers (to 4cm across) emerge above the attractively lobed, dark green foliage. Each petal has a pink flushed reverse and they all sit around a boss of yellow stamens. Ideal for underplanting shrubs or trees. Grows to 15cm.

  • 5 x Hyacinthus orientalis 'Carnegie': Upright dense racemes of pure white, bell-shaped flowers appear in late spring. These are carried on stout stems and have a delicious fragrance. Grows to 25cm.

  • 20 x Crocus 'Jeanne d'Arc': Producing a showy display in late winter and early spring, the large, goblet-shaped blooms have white petals, which are stained with purple. Grows to 10cm.

  • 10 x Tulipa 'Mount Tacoma': A very old variety that has deservedly remained a firm favourite through the years. The buds are pink and green, but the long-lasting double flowers open to a creamy white. The flowers are quite tough and are held aloft on sturdy stems late in the season. Grows to 40cm.
Flowering period:
  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

Full sun

Rate of growth:



Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil


Fully hardy

  • InformationHarmful if eaten/may cause skin allergy

Product options

Product options image
1 × collection | 70 bulbs
available to order from summer
Product options image
2 × collections | 140 bulbs
available to order from summer
Delivery options (pick your preferred option at checkout)
Standard delivery Bulbs (only)£4.95

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