
Camassia quamash

camassia bulbs

Product Image
Ideally suited to naturalised planting schemes including wildflower meadows or grassland where the soils are reliably moist (but not waterlogged), this quamash will also make a handsome addition to the herbaceous border, where its bright blue flowers and greyish green leaves will add colour and structure in late spring and early summer.

How to care for Camassia quamash:

Plant the bulbs 8cm deep and 20cm apart in big groups in the autumn. Try to plant them where they will remain for several years as they resent being moved. In cold areas, apply a generous layer of mulch in autumn.
Eventual height:
Eventual spread:
Rate of growth:



Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil

  • InformationHumans/Pets: Ornamental bulbs - not to be eaten

Product options

Product options image
20 × bulbs
available to order from summer
Product options image
60 × bulbs
was £16.17 now £11.00
available to order from summer
Delivery options (pick your preferred option at checkout)
Standard delivery Bulbs (only)£4.95

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