The velvety light green leaves of this fab house plant have irregular, darker toned tiger stripes, which span out from the central midrib. Originating from the forest floor in warmer climates, they definitely have a lush, tropical feel.
Home care: Originating from tropical regions, they like relatively stable temperatures (ideally above 15°C) and a well-lit position that does not get direct sunlight (think steamy jungle!). They like to be kept well watered, although this can be cut back a little in winter, and they thrive in high humidity, so either grow it in a steamy room, mist it with water regularly, and/or sit the pot on a tray of dampened shingle.
How to care for Goeppertia zebrina:
Originating from tropical regions, they like relatively stable temperatures (ideally above 15°C) and a well-lit position that does not get direct sunlight (think steamy jungle!). They like to be kept well watered, although this can be cut back a little in winter, and they thrive in high humidity, so either grow it in a steamy room, mist it with water regularly, and/or sit the pot on a tray of dampened shingle.
Eventual height:
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