
Lablab purpureus 'Ruby Moon'

hyacinth bean (syn. Dolichos)

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A fast-growing, tender, twining perennial climber, often grown as a summer annual, with dark purple-green leaves and fragrant, purple or white pea-like flower spires, followed by edible green pods often flushed with purple. Suitable for a tall wigwam or sheltered wall for sub-tropical glamour, or as a climbing plant for a warm conservatory or glasshouse.

How to care for Lablab purpureus Ruby Moon:

Ensure consistent watering during dry spells as Lablab prefers a moist, but not wet, soil. When transplanting outdoors, select a sunny spot sheltered sheltered from cold winds, ideally on a south facing wall, within a conservatory, or cold greenhouse due to its long growing season requirements. Although initial training may be necessary to reach support, this low-maintenance vine thrives with minimal care once established. Protect from frost if overwintering.

Sowing instructions:

Soak seeds for several hours prior to sowing. Sow indoors into moist seed compost at 68-86°F (20-30°C) and do not exclude light. Germination can take 1-2 weeks. Transplant into larger pots and harden off before planting out once the danger of frost has passed.
Eventual height:
Eventual spread:

Full sun

Rate of growth:



Moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil, or peat-free general purpose compost


Frost tender

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