
Opuntia microdasys

bunny ears cactus

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Forming big, fleshy segments, one on top of the other, this cactus forms a striking silhouette as it grows. As each new segment emerges from the tips of the previous one, it's reddish at first, but in time the segments turn greener, and become studded with small mounded clusters of short prickles. In ideal conditions creamy yellow flowers may also appear at the ends of the fully grown segments. Please note that the pot in the photograph is not supplied with the plant (which is sent out in a black plastic pot). They do however make excellent potted plants, and if you wish to pot yours up, we do have a wide range of pots on our website to choose from.

How to care for Opuntia microdasys:

Place it in a bright spot and in spring and summer, water when the compost gets dry, but make sure it never sits in excess water for any length of time. In autumn and winter cut back on the watering but do not let it dry out completely. Avoid a humid atmosphere (no bathrooms or steamy kitchens) and in the warmer months, open a window or door occasionally so it can enjoy the fresh air. Repot every year or two into a slightly larger pot using cacti compost. You will find it easier to tackle if you concertina a couple of sheets of newspaper and then fold these around the spines, leaving a 'tail' that you can use to lift the plant out of one pot and into another. Otherwise invest in some thorn-proof gloves!
Eventual height:
Eventual spread:

Full sun

Rate of growth:

Slow growing

  • InformationHumans/Pets: Skin/eye irritant

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17cm pot | 40cm tall
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