An easy plant to grow that will add colour and shape to a room. Philodendrons have been popular houseplants for some time now as they are fast growing with glossy heart-shaped leaves. This variety also has noticeable red stems to contrast against the lush foliage. A great climber, it will be delivered growing up a moss pole.
Please note that the pot in the photograph is not supplied with the plant unless selected. If this does not suit your decor, we also have a wide and wonderful range of different pot covers to choose from on our site.
Please note that the pot in the photograph is not supplied with the plant unless selected. If this does not suit your decor, we also have a wide and wonderful range of different pot covers to choose from on our site.
How to care for Philodendron erubescens Red Emerald:
Water freely when in growth, but keep drier in winter. Mist the leaves regularly with water to increase humidity and every so often put it under a cold shower to wash off the leaves. Make sure the winter temperatures stay above 10°C, and repot every couple of years.
Eventual height:
Eventual spread:
Light shade / shade
Humans/Pets: Harmful if eaten; skin/eye irritant/allergen
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Round plant pot - white
From £1.89
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Biodegradable indoor plant support pole with spike
From £3.99
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