Choose a bright spot out of direct sunlight and maintain a humid atmosphere by daily misting or standing Schlumbergera on a saucer of wettened gravel. The plant needs two resting periods so after it has flowered in late January reduce the watering and move to a cooler room with a temperature of approx 54-59°F (12-15°C). Water sparingly but don't let it dry out. From April to September, increase watering and feed with a liquid houseplant fertiliser, moving the plant to a warmer room with a temperature of around 64-68°F (18-20°C). The flower buds should start to form in mid-September, so reduce the temperature and watering as before for the 2nd resting period. Once the flower buds have developed you again increase the temperature and watering. This should ensure a lovely Christmas floral display. For healthy growth, it is best to repot every year at the end of March using a cactus potting compost or John Innes No 2 with added grit.