• Eventual height: 0.6m
  • Eventual spread: 0.6m

Eurybia divaricata

Aster divaricatus or Eurybia divaricata

5 year guarantee
9cm pot £7.99
£23.97 £19.99
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  • Standard £5.95

This perennial dies back to below ground level each year in autumn, then fresh new growth appears again in spring.

  • Position:partial shade
  • Soil: moist, moderately fertile soil
  • Rate of growth: average
  • Flowering period: June to October
  • Hardiness: fully hardy

    Masses of white, daisy-like flowers with brownish yellow centres are produced in loose clusters from June to October. This white wood aster, originally from North America, was a favourite shade-loving plant of Gertrude Jekyll who used it in her own garden teaming it with bergenias. A great plant for a shady border.

  • Garden care: After flowering cut the flowered stems to the ground and apply a generous mulch of well-rotted garden compost or horse manure around the base of the plant.