• Eventual height: 0.25m
  • Eventual spread: 0.25m

thyme - lemonade

lemonade-scented thyme

5 year guarantee Perfect for pollinators
9cm pot £5.99
£17.97 £11.98
Delivery options
  • Standard £5.95
  • Position: full sun
  • Soil: well-drained neutral to alkaline soil
  • Rate of growth: average to fast
  • Flowering period: June to July
  • Hardiness: fully hardy

A vigorous, creeping thyme perfect for cascading from herb pots, hanging baskets and over rockeries or walls. With an intense, fizzy lemonade scent, the list of fantastic culinary and beverage possibilities are numerous (and delicious!). ‘Lemonade’ produces pink flowers in the summer over its light-green foliage.

  • Garden care:
    After flowering trim back using garden shears to retain a neat compact shape. If this is done promptly after flowering the plant will often flower again towards the autumn. Lift and divide large clumps in early spring.
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