
tomato (cherry) 'Sungold' F1

cherry tomato or Solanum lycopersicum 'Sungold' F1

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Popular with many gardeners (and their children) for its extra sweet, juicy fruits, which are a golden orange colour. These thin-skinned cherry tomatoes are produced in heavily laden trusses in a crop that appears over a long period throughout the summer - or even well into autumn if grown in a greenhouse. Showing a good resistance to disease, it makes a great addition to the salad bowl and is an excellent source of vitamin C and lycopene.

How to care for tomato Sungold F1:

Tie in to supports as it grows, and pinch out the sideshoots. Keep well watered and feed weekly once flowers start to form. Keep water levels in the soil consistent to prevent blossom end rot and split fruit. Increase water in hot spells and reduce in cool weather to keep the soil constantly damp but not waterlogged.

Sowing instructions:

Sow from January to April in a frost-free greenhouse or windowsill, potting on seedlings individually as they grow. Once all danger of frost has passed, plant into greenhouse borders or into growbags, or harden plants off and plant outside in rich soil in a sunny spot.
Eventual height:
Eventual spread:

Full sun

Rate of growth:



Moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil, or peat-free general purpose compost


Frost tender

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